Your biggest marketing flex 💪🏻

Storytelling has been on my mind A LOT lately, {SUB NAME}.

One of the reasons why I won’t get into yet…

But the other reason is because storytelling’s underused in the creative biz space.

^^^ When it should be your biggest marketing flex.

Because your story is the one thing no one can steal from you or attempt to replicate, Reader.

Your brand aesthetic, SOP’s + processes, your theories…

Can all be copied + pasted by anyone in your industry.

But, your story?

^^^ It would be weird if someone even tried to duplicate it.

But, we as humans like to overcomplicate things (I say that like I don’t have that problem).

When really all a story has to be is a quick anecdote & then move on. It’s not like a book or a movie that needs to be a complete thought.

You just need to give a snippet to your audience to keep them wanting more of *YOU*

And that’s why incorporating stories & nuggets of personal info about yourself can give your marketing efforts an edge. And keep your ideal clients engaged with your content.

Because it makes you relatable & memorable.

After all, there’s a reason “This is Ice.” is permanently engrained in my brain—but I can’t for the life of me remember what I sent in my last text.

^^^ Because it’s part of a story. Not just a random daily task that blends together with 50 million others.

And in today’s blog, I’m going over 4 main reasons why you should include stories in your content.

So that you can make a better connection with your ideal clients—which will help you make more sales FYI 👀

Story Time 📚

In honor of my (somewhat) new storytelling hypothesis—I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't give you a resource.

So I'm gonna start including an AI prompt in (hopefully) every newsletter to help give you inspiration for creating your content.

Here's your first one. Plug it into ChatGPT or the like—fill in the brackets with your biz info:

The "It's Fall Y'all" Story Prompt

Start with this: I'm a [YOUR BIZ TITLE]. I need help coming up with a story I can use to inspire content ideas for my business. It's fall time and the leaves are changing. Can you give me 5 story prompts to help me come up with an analogy that ties into a [PIECE OF CONTENT] I wrote about [DESCRIBE THE CONTENT]?

Optional, ask AI to flip the prompt on its head: Can you flip the prompts to speak to when something falls out of place and tie it into the [PIECE OF CONTENT]?

Optional, ask AI to get more specific to the season: It's the month of October. Can you give me ideas that are Halloween-specific for the original prompts and the flipped versions?

Pick a fave from the list it spits out: I like the [PROMPT IT GAVE YOU] idea best. Can you suggest ideas of how to take my [PIECE OF CONTENT] and repurpose the content for these platforms: [LIST OF OTHER CONTENT TYPES YOU NEED].

(^^^ For that last one if you give ChatGPT the original piece of content & copy & paste it that'll work best.)

Cool Tools for Creatives 🛠️

ConvertKit *officially* rebranded to Kit at the beginning of this month.

TBH I'm still not sold on the name change...


It's still my go-to recommendation for email marketing for creative biz owners (and what I use to send these newsletters every Monday).

If you're new to email marketing & curious if it'll work for you or just need something new—you can click this link to check it out.

Peace Out ✌🏻️


Hannah | Showit Website Designer

Join the community of 200+ business owners snagging the latest edition of the MWB newsletter—jam-packed with website, marketing & business tips + zillennial references—sent straight to your inbox every week.

Read more from Hannah | Showit Website Designer

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