I hate my business.

I hate my business.

^^^ That’s the thought that crossed my mind this weekend Reader.

Or really, I don’t hate my business so much as I hate the direction (or lack of) it’s going right now.

My website doesn’t reflect my current design skills 😬

My copy is all over the place.

My lead generation is 💩 💩 💩

And I actually do kind of hate my visual branding right now TBH. (The lime green just isn’t doing it for me anymore 💚)

So I’m diving into excavating my offers & branding, rewriting my website copy & figuring out what I want my business to look like for the rest of 2024.

With all this in mind—I’ve got 2 announcements:

Announcement 1️⃣: I’m probably gonna cut down the MWB to 1x per week (til the end of June at least) TBD.

Announcement 2️⃣: Since I’m gonna redo eVeRYthInG in my business—my offers included—I’ve decided to try something new.

Something I said I’d never do.

Like I even wrote a whole blog about why I didn’t offer this type of service.

A VIP half-day.

Or as I’m going to call it—The MWB Design Sprint, Beta Edition**

Because the more I chat with creatives like you Reader—the more I see the need to have a designer in your corner to work on smaller projects, without having to wait in line for weeks to get on the calendar.

Like when you’ve customized a Showit template, but wanna a designer to do a buff & polish on it before it goes live on the ‘net.

Or you need some blog posts moved from your old website builder to Showit.

Or when you need just your sales page redesigned—but not necessarily your whole website.

Or you need your old brand images swapped out for your new ones—or your brand color palette.

How does it work you ask, Reader?

1️⃣ Reply to let me know you’d like to be a beta tester—along with the 411 on what you’d like help with on your Showit website. Then we’ll hop on a discovery call if it sounds like this offer can help you—going over whether we’re a good fit for each other + logistics.

2️⃣ Before your Sprint day, you’ll need to fill out a short form with your design “homework”—i.e. submit any content relevant to your project, add me as a contributor on your Showit account, etc.

3️⃣ On your Sprint Day, for 4 hours, I’ll check off as many tasks as I can off your design-to-do list. Sales page designed? Done ✅ Images swapped? Done ✅ Color palette edited? Done ✅

4️⃣ Celebrate with Cosmic Bliss vegan chocolate peanut butter ice cream (arguably the best part of the process 😋 🍨)!

**Now, normally, I’d charge at least $2000+ for this kind of offer…

BUT since I’ve gotta make sure I’ve got all my ducks & processes in a row for this new offer…

**For this limited edition Beta Round, I’m only going to take on 3 Sprint days at a discounted price of just $1500. (<<< The price will go up at least $500 after that.)

All I ask in return is your honest feedback.

I’m not going to force you to sing from the bleachers about how much you love The MWB Design Sprint (although that’s a nice idea 😉).

But after your Sprint day is complete, I’ll send you a 5-7 minute survey to complete—telling me the 10 things you loved (or didn’t like) about this offer.

That way, I can improve The MWB Design Sprint, while also helping other creatives like you decide whether it’s a good fit for them.

Just hit that reply button to get started ✨

Can’t wait to hear from you Reader!

Peace Out ✌🏻️


Hannah | Showit Website Designer

Join the community of 200+ business owners snagging the latest edition of the MWB newsletter—jam-packed with website, marketing & business tips + zillennial references—sent straight to your inbox every week.

Read more from Hannah | Showit Website Designer

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