Beef jerky sample boy.

If you’ve ever been to Costco Reader—you’re familiar with the samples throughout the store.

And I could write a whole blog about why that’s an excellent marketing strategy (*adds to to-do list*)...

But, that’s not today’s newsletter.

Instead, I’m gonna tell you a story (I promise it’s business-related)—but first let me set the scene.

I’m walking in the snack section of Costco, the area where you’d find the roasted cashews, granola bars & fruit snacks.

Which is also the home of the beef jerky.

I happened to meander by where it was being sampled by a dude, who I shall now call Beef Jerky Sample Boy.

As per usual, when encountering a Costco sample, the dude offered me some beef jerky—which I had no interest in trying.

Now, a “normal” person might’ve just waltzed by the dude uninterested—politely saying no thank you & moving on with the shopping trip…

But, of course, being normal is vastly overrated 🙃

So I had to open my big mouth & say “Sorry, I’m vegan haha”—thinking it would be a LOL moment & nothing more…

And oh boy, was I wrong Reader 🙈

Beef Jerky Sample Boy asked me why I was vegan—which is a fair question…

I said because I loved animals (not my only reason, but I panicked & suddenly forgot all the other reasons why). <<< AND THIS was my biggest mistake!!

Because I then had to listen to a mini TedTalk on animal overpopulation 🫠

I’ll spare you the details on how that went Reader—but I considered giving my own TedTalk on the importance of broccoli in the middle of aisle 5 🥦

BUT, as I promised, this is business-related—so what can you learn from my awkward sample encounter?

You HAVE to know who your ideal customer is—if you wanna make sales 💯

In this beef jerky scenario, I was NOT the ideal customer—because I wasn’t suddenly gonna change my eating habits in the middle of a Costco because Sample Boy said it was a good idea.

Now, what if this same convo had happened—but the sample had been vegan ice cream? And Sample Boy had talked all about how dairy was bad & that this was the *best* vegan ice cream you could find in the country…

^^^ Now that’s knowing who your ideal customer is—speaking to their pain points & answering the right questions.

But, if you’re like a lot of creatives Reader—defining how to reach those ideal clients you wanna work with AND creating content that’ll speak to them…

Isn’t always the easiest task…

So I dug deep into my blog archives—and rounded up 3️⃣ blogs that can help you with *just* that:

Because as a small biz ownerknowing who your ideal client is AND how to speak to them…

Can make a difference between whether you’re selling beef jerky or dairy-free ice cream to a vegan your offers to the *perfect* person, that you’re the best at helping or the wrong clients.

Peace Out ✌🏻️



If you skimmed to the bottom of this probably too-long newsletter, Reader—here’s the TL;DR 😉

You need to know who your ideal clients are AND how to speak to them if you wanna make sales—here are some blogs to help you with that:

How to Define Your Ideal Client, How to Create Content Your Ideal Clients Wanna Read & How to Make Your Website Resonate With Your Ideal Client.

Hannah | Showit Website Designer

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Read more from Hannah | Showit Website Designer

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